Sunday, 14 August 2011


So I have made two models. In Model A I experiemented with different ideas, such as whether I should have same size hexagons or different sizes, engraving a frame or having the engraved hexagons right to the edge ,the matter of shelving and lastly having a skeleton AND an outer skin.

After physically seeing it, I then decided to develop it further. Having different size hexagons looked very 'random' and did not have a feeling of 'precision' which is what I want.  The frame did not look like what I expected, I wanted my skin to be 'delicate' which would contrast with the 'precise' feeling of the structure.

Therefore I decided to make another model- Model B,  in this model instead of having two seperate layers, it conveys the 'idea' of two layers more simply. I will lasercut pin sized holes into the structure (i couldnt do it in the model because the wood was too thick) and engrave hexagon shapes in to the surface.

(After honeybees build their comb, they start filling it with honey and seal the bigger holes with wax)I then dipped each section into wax, i tried to get some thick areas but also parts where there is a very thin layer of wax. I have been searching everywhere for beeswax, however I have not been able to find it. However I have been told Elam sells it, so I will go there and ask. If I cannot get beeswax i will just have to use wax..

I wanted try lasercutting wax however the person in charge was hesitant about the idea as it could get messy, and I agree because it would melt and could possibly damage the machine.

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