Thursday, 6 October 2011

Final Project Brief

So, after talking to Dermott we have come up with 3 ideas that i will complete for the final crit.
1. I will communicate the box concept
2. I will communicate the quality of light
3. I will communicate the relationship of the building to its context.

And on Monday we will get told how exactly we will communicate these ideas.

So i have lasercut my contour model, which is at 1:200, which will communicate Point 3.

Friday, 30 September 2011


Julia presented a lecture about 'Alvar and the Scandinavian Tradition', and I thought the idea of Aalto using both non orthogonal and orthogonal geometries in his work was very interesting. Seeing the image below, it reminded me of my own walls in my firm. The ceiling is in the Viipuri Public Library, Viipuri, Finland, and refracts sound waves towards students.

Other photographs of Alvar Aalto's work.

Baker House

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


I have incorporated the idea of gifting through modifying the windows, to create a better experience when looking out from the inside. Also, I designed them with the site (noise, privacy) and the placement of the members in mind (for example, where drawing boards are placed, thin horizontal slats are used, so the draughtsman or whoever is not exposed to direct sunlight)